wow....what a downer
phew......sorry for leaving you all with such a somber tone with my last entry. however, i thank you all for bearing with my struggles and temporary loss of sight. i also want to thank all of you who were so kind as to write me little notes of encouragement, it helped immensely. sometimes, we just have to vent our feelings so that they don't rot inside of us and make things worse and thats what i had to do with my last entry. that night before i went to bed i was reading my Bible as came across this verse (paraphrased, of course): "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God", how freakin' appropriate. it was as if God himself whispered into my ear " don't worry about all the bad things in your life, my son, i have everything worked out, just trust me"; well, i slept quite well that night. so, thanks again for putting up with my complaints and whining, you all are great friends.
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