very interesting 'article' on BlahOnline
i checked the blahOnline website yesterday for an new feature articles/book excerpts and found a great one. its the feature right on the main page entitled 'contextualised truth into youth culture' and is an excerpt from a book titled 'The Shaping of Things to Come'. i strongly recommend everyone reads this little excerpt, it is incredibly interesting and slightly challenging (which is just the way i like it). i think the writers, Alan Hirsch and Michael Frost really have a neccesarily radical stance on contexualising the Gospel, while remaining very grounded in their philosophy and retention of basic precepts such as viewing the Bible as the inspired Word of God (holding onto its authority) and the uncomprising of the Gospel. i am not doing a very good job in summing up their ideas, so please go to the site now and read the article, which is quite long, for yourselves. i found it incredibly inspiring and have clarified some things within myself about how to really live out a faith and mission to my local culture that is both relevant and Christ-honouring. please post any reactions/thoughts that you have after reading it, i would love to enter into a great discussion with all of you about this idea.
in a related matter, BlahOnline is actually the virtual form of Blah... a group that meets once a month (i believe) and discusses current topics relevant to our current state of the world/our response to it. this wednesday, they are having their Christmas meeting which will be about 'gospel and justice' and will feature Brian Mclaren as the guest speaker!!!!!! obviously, i will be attending this as Brian's book 'A New Kind of Christian' has been absolutely instrumental in my longing/desire to enter into new forms of 'doing church' (thanks to Ben W for buying that book and letting me read it). anyway, i'm sure i will blog about it sometime later this week as i'm sure it will be incredibly thought-provoking and challenging. please pray that God will speak through Brian, that we may get a glimpse into God's heart on the subject of the gospel and justice.
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