what a freakin' great concert

oh man.....what can i say about such an amazing experience. it was
definitely one of the best concerts i've ever been too. you know when
you go to a concert if the band is truly crap or truly flippin' amazing
by the sort of environment they foster by their music. the environment
was so great last night, people just stood there, almost in a reverent
silence, listening to one of the best bands there is today. it turned
out they were doing the concert as A Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra
and Tra-La-La Band, in which they add vocals to the songs; mostly by
Efrim, but at times all 7 of them got into it.
Efrim had a lot of political musings to share with us between songs,
while the violins were tuning and such. at one point he posed the
question, "so what are we going to do in the next two years, after the
world falls apart and people run out of food"; which seemed quite
alarmist to me and a vast majority of the crowd. not many people
answered him the way he was looking for, so he spent a good 5 - 10
minutes on it, desiring a response from us, but not really getting one.
he basically thinks that the world is going to fall apart and a
mega-revolution is going to happen within the next two years..... quite
extreme view if you ask me. anyway, the closing song, well the song
they did when they came back for the encore, was so friggin' cool and
such a positive way to end the whole thing. the whole band, along with
the opening band, a strange, awkward group called Little Wings, came
out and started to play really sparse music. they then embarked on an
intricate round of verses. they started out all singing the same thing,
"hang on to each other". then it broke off into a couple more phrases
to make a wild, chaotic, beautiful refrain of hope and love. all in
all, it was such an unbelieveable musical experience and one i hope to
have again before i die.
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