
so @#$% true......

hiya everyone, hope you are having a good weekend, i am. my friend Alice and i spent most of the day yesterday walking along the South Bank, taking pictures (yes, i will finally have some pictures to bring home and show some of you), and generally enjoying being in London.

before church this morning, i read Jonny Baker's blog, which i do quite often, and he had a link to an article out of the newest issue of Adbusters which was incredibly surprising, entitled 'Divinity For the Reality-Based Community'. surprising because it was incredibly honest and encouraging about the relationship of artists and religion and the relationship that should be present. i won't go too far into it so as not to spoil the article, i would just encourage anyone who has thought about the role of the artist in the church to read it. whoever it is who wrote this totally gets it, lets just pray that the church will get it soon.

if you haven't noticed, let me draw your attention to the new little addition i've made to my website. the little white band across the top right corner is for the Make Poverty History campaign being led here in the UK. the band serves as a link to their website and i would encourage you to follow the link to the site and check out what they are about. the church is really involved in it over here, which is really cool to see. anyway, check it out.

also, i am hoping to visit Vaux tonight, unfortuantely it will be the last time i will be able to go...... oh well, i guess we'll just have to start our own.


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