minor changes/updates
so, in my continuing pledge to keep this site up to date and, hopefully, terribly interesting, i have added a couple of blogs to the 'blogs i regularly read' links on the left. Suzy is a good friend of mine from London who is a school teacher/photographer/potential clergy member/good friend. i encourage you to read her blog, even if you don't know her i'm sure you will enjoy what she has to say. also, i have added Dave's blog, he was the other ministry assistant, my flat mate, and one of my best friends when i was in London. he's a gifted thinker and has a lot to say and tends to raise some interesting questions for you all to think about; give his blog a read. the last blog i have added is a companion blog for the incredible book 'The Complex Christ' written by Kester Brewin, founding member of the late alt.worship service Vaux. even if you you haven't read the book, which i'm sure most of you haven't since its not yet available here in the States (but soon will be), you should check it out regularly. he does a really good job at bringing up certain issues and getting you to think about them in new ways. anyone who is, at any level of participation, involved in the 'emergent church' discussion should definitely read it.
thanks for the link josh! i would love to put some links on my blog, but i'm not sure how to do it. probably quite easy to do. if and when i get round to doing it, i will link to your blog, of course.
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