the silence is broken...
crap, it feels strange to write something on here, its been so long. a lot has happened since i last posted, some good, some mediocre, some heart-breaking. i suppose i'll start with the heart-breaking, i don't really want to end on a negative note. first off, my grandfather, quite possibly one of the coolest, strongest, most faithful people who ever lived (both to his lord and his family), passed away. he had been deteriorating for some time thanks to Parkinson's, but it was still a shock when he died. it was strangely comforting to see him, after he died, lying still/calm in the bed... the first time he's been able to do that for some time. second off, my girlfriend and i decided to call it quits after nearly a year; long distance claims another casualty (waterloo to london = roughly 1 million miles). though it was certainly the right decision to make, given our situation (seeing each other every 4 months was pure torture), it still sucks so damn bad.
ok, now for the good stuff. most recently, i moved into my own place, the first time i've ever lived by myself (though, it looks as though i'll have a roommate in a feww weeks). i'm quite excited about it, maybe it'll help me grow up a bit and become an adult. also, i am going back to school in the fall. i'll be attending Haweye Community College, enrolling in their graphic design/communication program. it's really exciting to think that i will actually be learning things that i will really want to learn (unlike my many years of gen ed and subsequent general studies degree). it scares me a bit as well, though. what if i suck at it? i want so much to be the best designer i can be, it'll be horribly painful if it turns out i'm total crap at it. oh well, blah blah blah, for now, i'm going to give it my all.
so thats the Reader's Digest version of my last 5 months or so. i hope to see you all more often in the coming weeks.
oh, i forgot another good thing..... i went to Las Vegas for New Years. as far as Vegas, i loved it. its a lot of fun, i highly recommend going at least once if you ever have the chance, or if you never have the chance, do it anyway. as far as being there over New Years, i don't really recommend that. all the hotels are incredibly over priced at that time and there are more people pushing their way through the city than i care to rub shoulders with.
v sad to hear about you and v. a
jay dub - sorry to hear about your grandfather. so moving what you wrote there.
i miss you dude, and will try and call sometime this week.
i know what you mean about the design thing, now that I'm actually launching into it (i'll explain) i've started thinking - oh crap, what if i can't do it! you'll rock dude.
speak soon. sam
hey, nice to know the london crew still check your blog! does noone state-side bother anymore joshua?
yeah, we all miss you still - esp me, sam and becca.
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