
V for Valentine

so, the day of St. Valentine, the patron saint of forced romanticism and $80 flowers, has come and gone for another year. how was is for you guys? for me it was simply a normal day, the same as any other 14th day of the month, sandwhiched between the 13th and 15th. all day long, i was thinking about V-Day and about why it bugs the hell out of me, and i think i may have come up with the reason: 364 days of the year, i wake up and think to myself, 'i'm single' (now, sometimes thats an indifferent observation, sometimes its with relief, and sometimes its with heaviness i think that), no one seems to notice..... however, on Valentine's day, i wake up and the whole world collectively tells me, all damn day long, that i am single; and not in an understanding, sympathetic way either. the radio belittles me with such messages as 'You're Nobody 'Till Somebody Loves You' and myriad other variations of the same depressing message. anyway, i am glad to see it gone for another year. i do wonder what St. Valentine would think if he were around to see what we've attatched to his namesake by way of this commercial holiday...... i don't think he would be flattered.


Blogger baker st jones said...

poor josh

4:29 AM  

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