(lack of) culture stew
so, i was at a friends house last night, gathering with other like-minded people to watch, with baited breath, the season finale of Lost (i won't go into that, but it was really friggin good.... exactly what a season finale should be). after Lost got over, there was a commercial for a new show soon to be on ABC. what was shown almost made my head explode, messying up my friends' living room with what used to be my head. the show was a new installment to ABC's already nausiatingly large line-up of reality shows. at first, it appeared to be a rival to American Idol: contestants sing really crappy songs in a really crappy way and they get critiqued by a panel of judges (hopefully there won't be a Paula Abdul clone on this show... too much blind positivity makes me sick to me stomach) and through the subsequent weeks, 'singers' are voted off. fine. however, i was not so fortunate as to have that be the end. on this show, the contestants will also be living together in one big house and their lives will be broadcasted for all to see. finally it has happened, the unholy marriage of America's two favorite things: voyuerism and celebrity. you know, as i was watching this crap, i accepted it with the hope that near the end, one person would say to the other "i've got some good news", "what's that?" the other person would quip back. "i've just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to Geico".... and all would be ok because it was all a farce; no such luck.
anyway, i just had to share that travesty with you all. i didn't catch the name of it, probably Big American Idol Brother.
abandon ship! abandon ship!
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