
please Mtv, pimp my ride

so, i'm just hanging out on a sunday night watching some TV, as is the custom for me at 1.30am. i really like this show, though sometimes they go too far and do some really guady things (i mean, friggin video screens on the fenders, who the hell is going to see them?). anyway, the show starts and i wait with bated breath to see what ugly duckling they are going to change into a swan. what car are they 'pimping'? a friggin Buick Century...... exactly like mine. ok, so this hurts the pride a little bit. i mean, the cars they feature on this show are obviously pieces of crap. at the beginning of the show, the guy is going through the car and listing off all of the things he hates about it: broken sound system, rust, bad suspension, headliner that is falling into his face; the exact same things that are wrong with mine. frig.

i know i should have the right attitude and be greatful that i even have a car. on top of that, i should be greatful that it was free (which i really am, honestly), but i am feeling the itch..... the consumer-driven itch for a new car. you know, i have a sincere desire to live simply, to live above materialism, but it is so damn hard to do that these days.

the sirens of Neophilia* are calling, i hope i don't dash my ship on the rocks and drown.

*the love of all things new (see: thecomplexchrist.com)


Blogger Mel said...

Yes, yes you should be glad you have a car because this lady does not have one and relies on her legs, bicycle, and the humbling experience of being "that girl who always needs a ride" Umm, I'm not complaining..ok I could be...slightly.
If you had sat in our dinning room yesterday evening and listened to my two brothers talk for an hour about a 60,000 dollar 2007 Lexus something-or-other one of them had just test driven, you might be a little more on the repulsed side of materialism.
Though I would be more than glad to volunteer your car to "pimped" because hey that show is pretty darn interesting and who wouldn't want to see their very own car transformed. I WOULD!...well, that is if i had one...

I was suppose to say this at the beginning: HI JOSH!

2:29 AM  

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