why the scary picture of a dog being really pissed and bearing its teeth? i friggin got bit by a dog today at work. it was a normal day of delivering routes that either don't have carriers or their carriers are too lazy to do it themselves. i had completed three of the five routes i had for today and started number four. i got all the papers together and headed out on the route... oblivious of the horror that was about to befall me. i took the paper up to the first house, put it in the box by their side door, and turned to leave and continue the route. in a flash, there came a dog, seemingly out of nowhere, barking angrily. before i even knew what was going on, before i even saw the damn thing, it sunk its teeth into my outer right thigh, tearing a good-sized hole in my jeans..... and a pretty mean looking wound on my leg. i quickly got away from him and bolted across the street. luckily, i was literally across the street from the hospital, so i called my manager and let them know what happened.
to make a somewhat long story somewhat shorter, the hospital i went to wasn't covered by The Courier's insurance, so after they had asked me a ton of question, after i had taken my pants down and laid on the hospital bed, i had to pack things up and drove all the way across town to Allen.... how stupid. finally, i got the wound all cleaned and dressed and got some antibiotics, which they were quick to let me know may cause abdominal cramping and diarrhea. so, here i am, sitting comfortably with my leg up, having just taken the first pill of my five day supply, quietly wondering if terrible things are in store for me and my digestive system in the very near future. gross.......
that dog picture freaks me out. i hope your recuperation day goes well, c u tonight
this story is horrible, i hope you are ok.
that dog needs to be put down now that it has bitten a human...can you make sure the owners know what it did?
i saw a dog maul a little boy in the neighbourhood where i grew up and it wasn't put down, and it did it again, seriously damaging both people, and freaking us all out every time we passed the house.
i think it was put down after the second attack, which should never have happened....it is so dangerous and unnecessary
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