
minor changes/updates

so, in my continuing pledge to keep this site up to date and, hopefully, terribly interesting, i have added a couple of blogs to the 'blogs i regularly read' links on the left. Suzy is a good friend of mine from London who is a school teacher/photographer/potential clergy member/good friend. i encourage you to read her blog, even if you don't know her i'm sure you will enjoy what she has to say. also, i have added Dave's blog, he was the other ministry assistant, my flat mate, and one of my best friends when i was in London. he's a gifted thinker and has a lot to say and tends to raise some interesting questions for you all to think about; give his blog a read. the last blog i have added is a companion blog for the incredible book 'The Complex Christ' written by Kester Brewin, founding member of the late alt.worship service Vaux. even if you you haven't read the book, which i'm sure most of you haven't since its not yet available here in the States (but soon will be), you should check it out regularly. he does a really good job at bringing up certain issues and getting you to think about them in new ways. anyone who is, at any level of participation, involved in the 'emergent church' discussion should definitely read it.


no sleep, but it was worth it

in my new job, i have to work every other weekend, 6-11; yes, that's 6 am. amazingly enough, it hasn't turned out to be so bad getting up with the sun, being one of 4 cars out on the roads; i suppose i will be changing my tune quickly when winter hits and its dark out for the first three hours i'm up. so, with getting up quite early this morning in mind, i was met with a dilemma yesterday when i was told some friends were going to see 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory', a film which i have been giddy to see, at 11.45 pm. crap...... do i go and get a few hours sleep or do i regretfully decline and see it another day. well, i think i may have mulled it over for about 1.5 seconds before making my decision. so, there it was 11.45 sitting in the theatre eagerly awaiting the start of what turned out to be an incredible movie (i wrote about it on my other blog, Alt.Critic, check it out). i got home around 2.30 or so and was met with another serious decision, do i go to bed and get less than three hours of sleep or do i stay up all night and take a nap after work? well, you can probably guess what i chose to do based on the title of this entry. i actually wasn't all that horribly tired while i was at work, though it certainly didn't take me any time to fall asleep once i got home. i slept for about three hours and must say i feel quite rested and awake, which is quite rare for me. maybe i should do this more often......


its been too friggin long...

boy do i ever agree with that.... it has been way too friggin long since the last time i wrote an entry on this here blog of mine. i'm not sure why, but i really haven't felt much like writing on it; sad huh? i would be quick to say that i've been feeling this way because of being back in the creative vacuum that is Waterloo, IA, but that would be a huge cop-out. granted, it is exponentially harder to be/feel creative here than it was in London, but ultimately i am the only one to blame for letting my creative side atrophy; i'm the lazy one. hopefully, things will change here soon as i am moving into a group of apartments downtown which is part of a development to focus on the arts here in Waterloo and to further the establishment of a 'creative class' here in town. i will be living in a building of loft apartments with 5 other artists, which will be incredibly cool/beneficial. also, i hope seeking schooling in graphic design will help me work my creativity out of dormancy. see, being creative, having creative thoughts, is essential to me, to my health as a person. when i was in London it seemed quite easy for me to be creative, for multiple reasons, i'm sure. so, it was really hard to move back here and have nothing going on, have no great ideas of videos i could put together, no further thoughts on what God could be calling us to do about rethinking what His church looks like/acts... being back has been like being in a drag race and going from 100 mph to shifting it to neutral. i hope/pray that i will be able to get it back in gear soon.