
the incomparable Radiohead

so, i saw Radiohead last night in Chicago..... holy friggin crap. this may have been the best concert i've ever been to. they are, in my opinion, the best rock'n'roll band currently making music, hands down (the true meaning of rock'n'roll). the picture above, as low quality as it may be, is the stage set-up. at the top of the stage they had ten video screens of different geometric shape, as if it was one screen that got shattered into ten. they did a pretty good mix of new and 'old' stuff from Bones to Paranoiod Android (i am so damn glad they played this song) to The Gloaming. they also were kind enough to play new songs, of which they played four or five. all i have to say about their new stuff is it seems like the new CD will be a mix of more classic, guitar-driven songs and electro-beat, experimental stuff; lovers of either their new stuff and earlier stuff or both (like myself) will not be disappointed.

the first time i saw them, which was three years ago, was an incredible experience and last night was even more incredible. i sure hope i don't have to wait another three years before i see them again.


way too close

Crouch (83'), Gerrard (90')

i had to sit there and squirm and yell and be scared for 83 minutes before England finally scored a goal. i really hope they step things up in the next round... i don't think they'll be able to get away with playing so lax in the second round. it was great to see Rooney play though, i think it provided the energy they needed today.


Go England!!!!!! beat Trinidad and Tobago

Beckham, i am not

so, i decided to play soccer tonight with a couple friends and some people i'd never met before. now, i've been a fan of soccer for some years now, but hadn't really ever played it... well, there was that one time when i was in Costa Rica, but that was against middle school kids. it was really friggin great to get that much exercise, i've certainly let myself go over the past years. i can't remember the last time i was so out of breath, i was completely destroyed. oddly enough, i really look forward to doing it again soon.


please Mtv, pimp my ride

so, i'm just hanging out on a sunday night watching some TV, as is the custom for me at 1.30am. i really like this show, though sometimes they go too far and do some really guady things (i mean, friggin video screens on the fenders, who the hell is going to see them?). anyway, the show starts and i wait with bated breath to see what ugly duckling they are going to change into a swan. what car are they 'pimping'? a friggin Buick Century...... exactly like mine. ok, so this hurts the pride a little bit. i mean, the cars they feature on this show are obviously pieces of crap. at the beginning of the show, the guy is going through the car and listing off all of the things he hates about it: broken sound system, rust, bad suspension, headliner that is falling into his face; the exact same things that are wrong with mine. frig.

i know i should have the right attitude and be greatful that i even have a car. on top of that, i should be greatful that it was free (which i really am, honestly), but i am feeling the itch..... the consumer-driven itch for a new car. you know, i have a sincere desire to live simply, to live above materialism, but it is so damn hard to do that these days.

the sirens of Neophilia* are calling, i hope i don't dash my ship on the rocks and drown.

*the love of all things new (see: thecomplexchrist.com)